
Red: 0% sugar; Yellow: 25% sugar; Blue: 50% sugar; Pink: 75% sugar

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


(This photo was taken after 30 minutes)

Our Materials included yeast, sugar, water, balloons, string, and our generalizable materials.
                                      What we did:
  • we set up four test tubes with 75% sugar-water mixture to one gram of yeast (pink), 
  • four test-tubes with 50% sugar-water mixture to one gram of yeast (blue), 
  • four test-tubes with 25% sugar-water mixture to one gram of yeast (yellow), 
  • one test-tube with one gram of yeast and just 20 ml of water (red).  
  • we put color-coded balloons on top of the test-tubes to measure the output of carbon dioxide, recorded the amount of bubbles going on in each reaction (because more bubbles means more reaction) and recorded the circumferences of the balloons at 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 24 hours (the bigger the circumference, the more fermentation)

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